Showing 373–384 of 744 results


HSM 1884121M Securio P40i Micro Cut Shredder with OMDD Slot

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SKU: 1884121M
Weight 158 lbs
Dimensions 22 × 23 × 37 in

HSM 1900113 Securio C16 Strip Cut Shredder (1/4 inch)

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SKU: HSM1900113
Weight 8.82 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 11 × 18 in

HSM 1910 Securio C18 Strip Cut Shredder (1/8 inch)

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SKU: HSM1910
Weight 9.92 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 11 × 18 in

HSM 1912123 Securio C18 Level P-5 Micro Cut Shredder

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SKU: HSM1912123
Weight 24.25 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 12 × 22 in

HSM 1920113 Securio B35 Strip Cut Shredder (1/8 inch)

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SKU: 1920113
Weight 106.48 lbs
Dimensions 25 × 21 × 35 in

HSM 1921113 Securio B35 Strip Cut Shredder (1/4 inch)

In stock

SKU: 1921113
Weight 106.48 lbs
Dimensions 25 × 21 × 35 in

HSM 1922113 Securio B35 Level P-5 Micro Cut Shredder

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SKU: 1922113
Weight 117.29 lbs
Dimensions 25 × 21 × 35 in

HSM 1923113 Securio B35 Level P-4 Cross Cut Shredder

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SKU: 1923113
Weight 119.93 lbs
Dimensions 25 × 21 × 35 in

HSM 1925113 Securio B35 Level P-6 Micro Cut Shredder

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SKU: 1925113
Weight 117.95 lbs
Dimensions 25 × 21 × 35 in